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In this day and age of technological expansion, population growth, and urban development, human activities are having a larger impact on the planet than ever before. Due to this increased impact, humans are facing unparalleled threats to their survival throughout the world! Most people believe that it is the responsibility of the government to address and solve these issues, and while governments certainly play an important role, there is one other component that many people fail to recognize: PERSONAL ACTION!


Every single day, each of us makes choices. We choose what food we'll eat, how far we'll drive, how long our shower will be, and how much energy we'll use. What we don't often realize, is that these choices, and all our choices, have an impact on the planet!


So, to remind people that their everyday actions can and do make a huge difference on this planet, the SGA's Sustainability Committee developed a month long program to help raise levels of awareness and encourage students to make small changes in their lives to be more sustainable. We call the program "What Will YOU(md) Do?"


So, How Does the Program Work? Check out this short video to learn everything you need to know!
















Like the video explained, we decided to focus on three of the biggest issues facing our planet:




The first three weeks of the program each focus on only one of these issues. Week #1 is RESOURCES WEEK, week #2 is WATER WEEK and week #3 is ENERGY WEEKDuring each of these weeks we have come up with a list of five personal actions, and one educational action that addresses that week’s issue. Participants in the program can pledge to take on all of the actions each week, or just one! Its important to remember that its better to pledge to change one action and REALLY stick to it, rather then pledging to do all the actions, and doing them halfheartedly.
But wait, there's a fourth week: NO IMPACT WEEK! After the first three weeks are complete, participants will take on all three issues at once, and try to spend one week living with as little impact as possible! This week will also have a few special, bonus actions for students to partake in.
Finally, the program will culminate on Earth Day, April 22nd, with a huge, celebratory festival! Not only will we be celebrating because its Earth Day, but we will also celebrate the amazing committment that all pledge participants made to sustainability throughout the past month! There will be food, activities, arts and crafts, a speech, music, a raffle, and the winners of the ESSAY CONTEST will be announced!


Wait, what? An Essay Contest? Yup - that's right! In order to reward participants for their hard work and dedication to sustainability throughout the program, we will be offering incredible prizes to those who submit a reflective 250-500 word essay by Friday April 18th at 11:59pm. Click HERE to read more about the essay contest, and to find out what prizes you could win!


Are you ready to take the pledge?!

Click HERE to get started!


And remember, YOU can do more than you think!



The "What Will YOU(md) Do?" Sustainability Pledge


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