Hey Green Terps! The semester is halfway over, and SSC is busier than ever.
>At our October 13th meeting we had a guest speaker: John Fratangello from UMD’s Department of Engineering and Energy. John spoke with the Energy subcommittee of SSC and gave ideas for energy conservation projects on campus.
>The Waste subcommittee is working on reducing waste from campus dining halls by convincing the diners to serve smaller portions and offer reusable bowls at Salad Sensations
>The Subcommittee for City Affairs is working on getting the main College Park bars (R.J. Bentley’s, TTurf, and C-Stone) to recycle, in hopes that other businesses will follow suit
>The Subcommittee for Governmental Affairs is planning on petitioning for the Double MD’s Clean Energy: 40% by 2025 campaign for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Recent SSC Initiatives
--Last Saturday, October 11th, several members of the SSC volunteered by planting at the College Park Permaculture Garden
--Also on the 11th, we had SSC members join MaryPIRG and ENST to help clean up the Paint Branch Stream!
--SSC members are currently working on setting up a system for selling students recycled graduation gowns
Upcoming Events
On Saturday, October 25th, from 12-5 p.m., MOM's Organic Market will be having an event called Fall E-Harvest to celebrate sustainable organizations. There will be carnival games, food, live music, and more! You definitely do not want to miss this. MOM’s is located at 9827 Rhode Island Avenue in College Park.
Wednesday, October 29th, from 3:30-5:30 p.m., the University Sustainability Council is having a party to celebrate the launch of the Sustainable UMD Magazine! If you want to come, RSVP to Lambiase@umd.edu by October 22nd! More info here:
General Sustainability News
--Do you find yourself getting tired of diner food, but you’re too lazy to walk all the way to Route 1 for lunch? Stop by the Green Tidings Food Truck! Green Tidings serves sustainable, local food options, at a different location each day. Follow @UMDGreenTidings on twitter for this week’s locations and menu!
--Do YOU want to make a difference in campus sustainability?? Of course you do! Take the Small Footprint Pledge in order to lessen your impact. More information here:
Sustainability Tips of the Week
When doing laundry, switching your temperature setting from hot to warm can cut a load's energy use in half. If you are washing a small load, use the appropriate water-level setting. (NC State University)
Power your computer down when you're away. A computer turned off uses at least 65% less energy than a computer left on or idle on a screen saver. (Georgetown University)
Interested in coming to an SSC Meeting?
They alternate between Sunday and Monday night, make sure to check one out!
The meetings are held in the Terrapin Rooms in the Student Activities Suite at Stamp
Our next three meetings:
Sunday 10/26: 5:00 - 6:15 p.m.
Monday 11/03: 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.
Sunday 11/09: 5:00 – 6:15 p.m.