SGA Sustainability Committee

Project Spotlight: Pesticides
Let's protect our pollinators, promote organic practices, and keep the public informed.
Sustainability Grant passes!
The project proposal entitled "Modeling Organic Landscape Practices on Campus Lawns" was approved for its full amount of $4,228.18. It designates a highly visible part of the University of Maryland campus to display a comparison of landscape treatments. The area will be divided into a control plot receiving standard campus grounds treatment, a plot receiving the organic treatment currently used on the Clarice’s greens, and lastly, a plot testing our new, synthetic-free, organic treatment plan. The experiment will begin with its first treatment in late August and will be continually managed by Student Sustainability Committee members and other volunteers throughout the following year.
By comparing an existing organic management plan to a more cost-effective one designed by students, we will investigate the feasibility of increasing the portion of organic practices for turf that compose our current landscaping practices and integrated pest management plan. Our project ultimately seeks a financially feasible and environmentally responsible model for landscape treatment that is supported by the student body and administration.
Resolution passes in SGA!
Information on what pesticides and herbicides are applied on campus lawns should be publicly disclosed, accessible, and convenient to navigate. Information availability about landscape practices should not be limited to just those persons with respiratory or chemical sensitivities. Records of each pesticide application are kept manually, and sent in to the MD Department of Agriculture within 24 hours. The SSC, backed by the SGA, seeks to work with the several departments responsible for pesticide use at UMD to create an online database that anyone can access easily to learn more about the chemicals used on our lawns and fields. Read more about our bill in this DBK article!


The SSC is currently working with BeyondPesticides to designate UMD as a "bee-friendly" campus. This involves dedicating our campus, departments, and/or student groups as Bee Protective Ambassadors. Learn more about what this pledge to protect the bees will entail here!
Bee Coalition
UMD's SSC, MaryPIRG, and other student groups hope to build a coalition of student groups and campus organizations that want to rally behind one thing: protecting our pollinators! Whether by planning a trip to the campus apiary, supporting the pollinator protection act in the MD legisature right now, or holding events of our very own on campus, this upcoming collaboration is something to be excited about!
Bee Coalition website coming soon!
Got pesticides/pollinators on your mind? (So do we.) Let us know your questions, comments and ideas here.
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