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Student Sustainability Committee Newsletter!

Sustainability Director


Since class began 5 weeks ago, the Student Sustainability Committee has been hard at work!

--SSC sent 85 UMD students to attend the People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21st.

--At our first meeting of 2013, there were 5 attendees. At our first meeting of the 2014-2015 school year, we had a whopping 44 PEOPLE attend!

--At our third meeting, we heard from guest speaker Mark Stewart from the Office of Sustainability about initiating green, sustainable changes at UMD, in College Park, and all around the state of Maryland.

--Because of our large size this year, SSC has formed two subcommittees (Governmental Affairs and City Affairs) in order to tackle issues more efficiently. Maya Spaur is serving as Director of Governmental Affairs, and Annie Rice is Director of City Affairs.

Recent SSC Initiatives

--The 9th annual UMD Crab Feast on October 1st was a huge success, and was a ZERO-WASTE EVENT. Everything at the event was either recycled or composted with the help of a Green Team composed of SSC members.

--On October 4th, several SSC members helped with the planting the beds of the New City of College Park permaculture garden. More volunteers will be needed for the next two Saturdays October 11th and 18th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. check Facebook for more information:

Upcoming Events

--On October 11th, MaryPIRG and ENST need our help to clean up the Paint Branch Stream. The event starts at 12pm and ends at 3pm. If interested check out the Facebook event:

--Homecoming in 2 weeks--that means tailgating galore! Interested in helping TerpsRecycle at the tailgate? It’s an easy, fun way to help out and get service credit. see their web page for more info:

General Sustainability News

--Although the football team’s loss to Ohio State was a huge bummer, Byrd Stadium now has recycle, compost, and landfill bins just like other buildings on campus! So when you don’t finish that gigantic crab pretzel or 20 oz. Pepsi, make sure you toss each in the right bin.

--On September 29th, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorized construction of the Cove Point Liquefaction Project in Calvert County, MD.

For a full article on the story click the link below:

--Do YOU want to make a difference in campus sustainability?? Of course you do! Take the Small Footprint Pledge in order to lessen your impact. More information here:

Sustainability Tips of the Week

Bring your own reusable cup to the diner and take advantage of the OZZI box system. It will save money and the environment at the same time!

Also, don’t forget: an OZZI box is the only way to use 251 Express. So if you have to miss out on dining-in at 251, make sure to have your OZZI ready!

Try eating at the diner rather than taking out as much as possible, and don’t get a tray when you dine-in. It takes much less water to clean the plates, cutlery, and glasses than it does to clean the OZZI-boxes. If you have to get take-out, buy a cheap set of reusable silverware* to keep in your dorm. When you bring back food from the Diner, you won’t have to remember to get a disposable fork and knife every time.

*Try Light My Fire’s spork! ($2.95,

Interested in coming to an SSC Meeting?

They alternate between Sunday and Monday night, make sure to check one out!

Location: Terrapin Rooms in the Student Activities Suite in Stamp

Our next three:

Sunday 10/12: 5:00 - 6:15pm

Monday 10/20: 7:00 - 8:15pm

Sunday 10/26: 5:00 - 6:15pm

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